General Assembly
Consisting of all active members, the General Assembly hold an annual meeting upon a call from the President of the Society that must be attended by the majority of the active members. If the majority of the members did not attend the meeting the Society board can call for another meeting within the next two months that should be attended by at least 10% of the active members. The SSMS Board can call for an unusual meeting when deemed necessary by at least 20% of the Society's active members.
Tasks of the General Assembly
Approval of new regulations for the internal organization of the Society.
Approval of the annual budget of the Society and its final accounts each year.
Approval of the annual report.
Election of the Society Board.
Approval of the work plan provided by the Board.
Proposal of the establishment of branches of the Society on the recommendation of the Board.
Assignment of an external accountant to review the Society’s annual financial report and determine his fees.
Proposal to transfer the Society’s headquarter from University to another.
Proposal of Society dissolution.
The Board
The SSMS Board consists of up to nine active members who are elected formally by active members. At least one third of the board members should be affiliated to King Abdulaziz University.
Board membership lasts for three years which can be renewed for another term.
If a board member is recorded absent for three consecutive meeting with no valid excuse, he/she may be considered resigned.
The board may elect a replacement member to fill-in for membership vacancy, and requires the approval of the General Assembly at the first following meeting.
Among the board members, the board formally elects the Society President who should be affiliated with King Abdulaziz University for a three-year term which can be renewed for another term. The board, also, elects a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer among the board members.
The Society President is considered the official representative for the Society and acts on behalf of the Society in communicating with official and non-official organization/agencies inside or outside the kingdom.
Tasks of the Board
Suggest the Society's annual budget.
Prepare the agenda for the General Assembly meeting.
Suggest the general policy of the Society within the aims and objectives stated in the by-laws.
Suggest the by-laws and internal organization of the Society.
Form committees and specialized groups to perform the Society's tasks and activities.
Prepare the annual report and submit it for adoption by the General Assembly.
Decide the amount of membership fees.
Facilitate the conduct of studies and research.
Acceptance of grants, donations and other supportive services.
Approval on holding symposia or courses according to related regulations.
Board Meetings
The Board should hold a regular meeting every 3 months that is attended by the majority of Board Members. Unusual meeting can be held when more than 50% of the Board members or 20% of the Society's active members or the Society's President call for a meeting and in that case the meeting agenda shall include only the subjects for which the meeting was called. The Board resolutions have to be passed by majority voting. The President has the deciding vote if the votes are otherwise tied.
Society resources and budget
1. The Society resources are composed of the following:
The membership annual fees.
The proceeds of the Society sales of publications and bulletins and services related to its activities such as consultations provided to the others.
The returns of the Society scientific programs and training courses.
The grants, donations, awards and aids given by the government to the Society in addition to the assistances granted to the Society by the public organizations, companies, private enterprises and individuals.
2. The Society Budget and Final Accounts:
The Society financial year starts and ends with the University's financial year.
The final accounts are to be prepared in accordance with professional rules and customs.
General Rules
In case of Society dissolution (for whatever reason), all of its assets go back to King Abdulaziz University.
If the Society’s Headquarter is transferred from King Abdulaziz University to another University all of its assets and documents shall be transferred to the other University.
Last Update
1/6/2012 4:49:59 PM